Good afternoon, let me begin with an apology. It has been far too long since I have been onto my blog page to update it and say hello.
I have now logged reminders in my diary every month to log on and type up a blog for you, and who knows, when I get inspired I may just pop on anyway.
So, I hope you're having a great year and can you believe how quick time is going? The world at the moment is a bit of strange place with so much going on, and sadly not all good. I only said to someone the other day that if we could all just put a little more positivity out into the world, we may find it becoming and better place.
This year has been soooo busy for us. Since we have come back from lockdown and COVID, I have been so busy with private readings, demonstrations in person and on zoom plus lots of various workshops I have had the pleasure of teaching. We only have a few weeks left before we finish for the year and have our Christmas Break.
It is fair to say that life gets in the way for many of us, especially since we have been back and finding our new normal. Remember to still make time for those who are important to you, friends and family. It's so important that we do as creating special times and memories is the magical part of life. We have to not just 'say it', but actually 'do it'. I have decided that, even though I still have a busy schedule next year, I will be making more time for my Family and Friends who I haven't seen as much this year.
Just before we reach the end of the year and move into 2023, set your goals now to reach before the end of 2022. Even if you don't reach to where you want to get, you're still going to be closer than you was when you first started. Don't put off until tomorrow for what you can start today.
Have a great week, whatever you're up to and I look forward to seeing some of you out on the road or even on zoom.
Love Craig Xcx
I have now logged reminders in my diary every month to log on and type up a blog for you, and who knows, when I get inspired I may just pop on anyway.
So, I hope you're having a great year and can you believe how quick time is going? The world at the moment is a bit of strange place with so much going on, and sadly not all good. I only said to someone the other day that if we could all just put a little more positivity out into the world, we may find it becoming and better place.
This year has been soooo busy for us. Since we have come back from lockdown and COVID, I have been so busy with private readings, demonstrations in person and on zoom plus lots of various workshops I have had the pleasure of teaching. We only have a few weeks left before we finish for the year and have our Christmas Break.
It is fair to say that life gets in the way for many of us, especially since we have been back and finding our new normal. Remember to still make time for those who are important to you, friends and family. It's so important that we do as creating special times and memories is the magical part of life. We have to not just 'say it', but actually 'do it'. I have decided that, even though I still have a busy schedule next year, I will be making more time for my Family and Friends who I haven't seen as much this year.
Just before we reach the end of the year and move into 2023, set your goals now to reach before the end of 2022. Even if you don't reach to where you want to get, you're still going to be closer than you was when you first started. Don't put off until tomorrow for what you can start today.
Have a great week, whatever you're up to and I look forward to seeing some of you out on the road or even on zoom.
Love Craig Xcx

Good afternoon everyone and welcome to another brand new week, even if it is still lockdown. Having spoken to lots of people lately and family & friends, it would seem that this lockdown is now starting to get to people. I don't think many of us would have thought that when we were locked down in March last year that we would be where we are still today. I'm not writing this blog to be political, but to share some hope and positivity that we may need
Remember firstly, it is ok if you're feeling abit low and down. There are going to be days where each and every little thing gets on your nerves, you may snap at people who are close to you and they will know that you don't mean it. So many of us, if not all of us have never had a challenge like this ever in our lives. We have come this far we can get through this last little bit. Storms don't last forever, and neither will this
Take a moment in your day and think about what will be one of the first things you will do once lockdown is over. Who will you go and see, where will you go for your first night out or your first meal out? One thing that lockdown and the last twelve months have taught us is, to appreciate the smaller things in life. Being able to go to a friends for a coffee, go and stay overnight with family and not have to worry about your neighbours telling on you. Sadly, I think the lockdown has also bought out the not so nice in some people, but hey . . . remember what I have said before, that some people will come into your lives and stay, others will go, this is one of those times to realise who is important in your life and who you want around
Take this time now friends to realise what you want to accomplish in life, where you want to go because . . . 'we are here for a good time, not a long time'. Life is precious and that's why it is so important we don't spend lots of time worrying about things we cannot control. Live for the now
Have a great week folks, keep smiling and be happy
Love Craig Xcx
Remember firstly, it is ok if you're feeling abit low and down. There are going to be days where each and every little thing gets on your nerves, you may snap at people who are close to you and they will know that you don't mean it. So many of us, if not all of us have never had a challenge like this ever in our lives. We have come this far we can get through this last little bit. Storms don't last forever, and neither will this
Take a moment in your day and think about what will be one of the first things you will do once lockdown is over. Who will you go and see, where will you go for your first night out or your first meal out? One thing that lockdown and the last twelve months have taught us is, to appreciate the smaller things in life. Being able to go to a friends for a coffee, go and stay overnight with family and not have to worry about your neighbours telling on you. Sadly, I think the lockdown has also bought out the not so nice in some people, but hey . . . remember what I have said before, that some people will come into your lives and stay, others will go, this is one of those times to realise who is important in your life and who you want around
Take this time now friends to realise what you want to accomplish in life, where you want to go because . . . 'we are here for a good time, not a long time'. Life is precious and that's why it is so important we don't spend lots of time worrying about things we cannot control. Live for the now
Have a great week folks, keep smiling and be happy
Love Craig Xcx

Good morning everyone, well here we are the first day of December and what a year it has been. It would seem that so many of us have been looking forward to this time of year and finally having something to look forward to, Christmas. Look back at this year and tell yourself it's been a challenge but with a positive outcome. You've had to adapt very quickly to a completely different way of life, you're still here and you're still going. It's not been perfect and I'm sure lots of your plans whether it be Weddings, parties or a holiday that have all had to be planned for a later date, these are things to look forward to
I know that is may be easier said than done however, you have come this far and we are hopefully seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Lets keep going everyone so that we can resume normality real soon
I am wanting to take this time to say a huge thank you to everyone who has given their support this year with my work, it's been very different for me working from home all year and not being on the road. It's certainly something I'm not use to but have enjoyed it in a way aswell, it's made me realise even more how much I enjoy being on the road and being able to see you all, well friends watch this space as it won't be long before we are able to get together again soon
Keep smiling everyone, be happy and stay safe
Craig Xcx
I know that is may be easier said than done however, you have come this far and we are hopefully seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Lets keep going everyone so that we can resume normality real soon
I am wanting to take this time to say a huge thank you to everyone who has given their support this year with my work, it's been very different for me working from home all year and not being on the road. It's certainly something I'm not use to but have enjoyed it in a way aswell, it's made me realise even more how much I enjoy being on the road and being able to see you all, well friends watch this space as it won't be long before we are able to get together again soon
Keep smiling everyone, be happy and stay safe
Craig Xcx

Good evening friends and I hope that you're all keeping well and safe during these strange and trying times that we are still facing ourselves with each day. I think one of the hardest parts with life at the moment is the 'not knowing' of what may happen next week and what restrictions may come into place. It's a time where we really are having to work together to fight this and for us all to see the light and the end of the tunnel
Having woken up this morning one of my thoughts that first entered my mind was the wanting and the need to know that our loved ones are still around us even after they have passed. Many of us have the belief and knowing that our loved ones still live on after they leave the physical life. I know that when our loved ones do return back 'home' to spirit they will be joining family and friends who have crossed over and gone before. When we are the ones who are left behind we are the ones who are grieving the loss of them and desperately want to know that they are around us and they can hear us when we talk to them
In many of my readings I often talk about us still communicating and talking to loved ones even though they aren't here with us in the physical world. The spirit world do hear us when we talk to them and they will validate this in readings. One thing I get asked quite often is about the signs from the spirit world. What is important is to not go looking for the signs but let the signs come to you, and you'll find this will happen when you least expect it. I suppose some of you are thinking, what are these signs? It could be a song, a scent of an aftershave or tobacco. There are so many for us to acknowledge, I then get asked how do we know who it is? Before you've even asked me or yourself that question, you already have the answer, it's what I call your gut instinct or intuition. Who is the first person that comes into your mind of thoughts? Don't over think it either, just accept it
The knowing is one of the most powerful feelings you'll get, to be able to sit there and acknowledge one of the signs and then feel the love from a loved one that you're thinking of is one of the best feelings in the world. My message to you all is, accept now whilst you're reading this that you do not need a medium to tell you that you're loved one is with you, but for you to accept and acknowledge that you are able to feel them and their love from the other side. Just simply call out and invite them in to be in your company, just by sending up a thought is an intention. It may not happen straight away or even the same day, but perhaps the day or two afterwards. Simply send up the thought and allow for it to happen when it's meant to
I hope this has helped you all this evening, at times in our lives we do want and sometimes need that guidance from loved ones on the other side
Here's wishing you all a fabulous weekend and I look forward to seeing some of you soon
All my love
Craig Xcx
Having woken up this morning one of my thoughts that first entered my mind was the wanting and the need to know that our loved ones are still around us even after they have passed. Many of us have the belief and knowing that our loved ones still live on after they leave the physical life. I know that when our loved ones do return back 'home' to spirit they will be joining family and friends who have crossed over and gone before. When we are the ones who are left behind we are the ones who are grieving the loss of them and desperately want to know that they are around us and they can hear us when we talk to them
In many of my readings I often talk about us still communicating and talking to loved ones even though they aren't here with us in the physical world. The spirit world do hear us when we talk to them and they will validate this in readings. One thing I get asked quite often is about the signs from the spirit world. What is important is to not go looking for the signs but let the signs come to you, and you'll find this will happen when you least expect it. I suppose some of you are thinking, what are these signs? It could be a song, a scent of an aftershave or tobacco. There are so many for us to acknowledge, I then get asked how do we know who it is? Before you've even asked me or yourself that question, you already have the answer, it's what I call your gut instinct or intuition. Who is the first person that comes into your mind of thoughts? Don't over think it either, just accept it
The knowing is one of the most powerful feelings you'll get, to be able to sit there and acknowledge one of the signs and then feel the love from a loved one that you're thinking of is one of the best feelings in the world. My message to you all is, accept now whilst you're reading this that you do not need a medium to tell you that you're loved one is with you, but for you to accept and acknowledge that you are able to feel them and their love from the other side. Just simply call out and invite them in to be in your company, just by sending up a thought is an intention. It may not happen straight away or even the same day, but perhaps the day or two afterwards. Simply send up the thought and allow for it to happen when it's meant to
I hope this has helped you all this evening, at times in our lives we do want and sometimes need that guidance from loved ones on the other side
Here's wishing you all a fabulous weekend and I look forward to seeing some of you soon
All my love
Craig Xcx

Good morning everyone, well it's that time again and time for the 'out of office' to be put onto my emails and to enjoy some time with family and friends. Today I am back on the road and heading for Redditch where I will be demonstrating at Redditch Spiritualist Church this evening, after that I am on a break for a few weeks.
This year so far for everyone has been the most challenging in many ways, mentally and physically. It's taught us to appreciate 'who we've got, what we've got, whilst we've got it' because you simply don't know whats around the corner. So many of us had plans to be with family and friends for weddings, christenings, parties and other gatherings that haven't been able to happen. You always hear me say, go out and make memories with your loved ones and embrace every opportunity you get with them. Some people have had to say good-bye to loved ones without even being by their side which is the hardest part, this is the time now to grasp life by the horns and go out there and take on the adventure you've been given, life!
Tell yourself that 'you don't have time for any negativity or negative people in your life' because that is only going to bring you down, don't let it. You have control!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has booked me for one to ones, services, joined us on our development classes & workshops (online of course). I do hope that we are heading in the right direction and that we can all be back together in person very soon. I look forward to being back in September and speaking to more of you. Until then, look after yourselves, stay safe, stay well and have an amazing summer!
"Eat the cake, drink the wine, drink the beer who cares, you're not carrying the coffin"
All my love
Craig Xcx
This year so far for everyone has been the most challenging in many ways, mentally and physically. It's taught us to appreciate 'who we've got, what we've got, whilst we've got it' because you simply don't know whats around the corner. So many of us had plans to be with family and friends for weddings, christenings, parties and other gatherings that haven't been able to happen. You always hear me say, go out and make memories with your loved ones and embrace every opportunity you get with them. Some people have had to say good-bye to loved ones without even being by their side which is the hardest part, this is the time now to grasp life by the horns and go out there and take on the adventure you've been given, life!
Tell yourself that 'you don't have time for any negativity or negative people in your life' because that is only going to bring you down, don't let it. You have control!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has booked me for one to ones, services, joined us on our development classes & workshops (online of course). I do hope that we are heading in the right direction and that we can all be back together in person very soon. I look forward to being back in September and speaking to more of you. Until then, look after yourselves, stay safe, stay well and have an amazing summer!
"Eat the cake, drink the wine, drink the beer who cares, you're not carrying the coffin"
All my love
Craig Xcx

Good evening everyone, I know it's been a little while since I last wrote a blog here on my website. I think so many felt they had lost a sense of direction through the challenging time of the lockdown. For many it was the first time in their lives anything like this had happened and they didn't really know how to deal with it. I suppose for many it felt like Christmas Day everyday, at home spending quality time with family and perhaps you relaxed more on what you were eating and drinking.
Lets take the positives from this scenario though, the quality time that you have had with family and the memories you have created has been amazing. Also lets look at some lessons we may have learned, realising that there are more important things in life that working all the time or putting off things that you can do tomorrow. You hear me say all the time to "embrace who you've got, what you've got, whilst you've got it because you simply don't know what's around the corner". This is something that we can now accept and acknowledge moving forward. So many people have lost their lives during this pandemic and those people that have crossed over were somebody's Mom, Dad, Nan, Grandad, Aunt, Uncle, Brother, Sister, Cousin or Friend
This is a time where we should be bought closer together not pushed away, so when the time does come that we can see everyone we want to, give them the biggest hug and kiss that you can. Now maybe, just maybe you may not take people for granted or little things in life for granted anymore. Embrace life folks and make the most of it
On a more positive note, hopefully we are heading in the right direction with the lockdown measures easing but, please please please still look out for one another keep the safe distance so as that we can carry on heading in that direction not heading back into another full lockdown
There's lots I have been planning and lot's I am so excited to share with you. I am still offering one to one readings via telephone and Zoom so just email info@craig-morris.co.uk for more information
See you all on the road sometime soon
Craig Xcx
Lets take the positives from this scenario though, the quality time that you have had with family and the memories you have created has been amazing. Also lets look at some lessons we may have learned, realising that there are more important things in life that working all the time or putting off things that you can do tomorrow. You hear me say all the time to "embrace who you've got, what you've got, whilst you've got it because you simply don't know what's around the corner". This is something that we can now accept and acknowledge moving forward. So many people have lost their lives during this pandemic and those people that have crossed over were somebody's Mom, Dad, Nan, Grandad, Aunt, Uncle, Brother, Sister, Cousin or Friend
This is a time where we should be bought closer together not pushed away, so when the time does come that we can see everyone we want to, give them the biggest hug and kiss that you can. Now maybe, just maybe you may not take people for granted or little things in life for granted anymore. Embrace life folks and make the most of it
On a more positive note, hopefully we are heading in the right direction with the lockdown measures easing but, please please please still look out for one another keep the safe distance so as that we can carry on heading in that direction not heading back into another full lockdown
There's lots I have been planning and lot's I am so excited to share with you. I am still offering one to one readings via telephone and Zoom so just email info@craig-morris.co.uk for more information
See you all on the road sometime soon
Craig Xcx

Good evening everyone, I hope you are all well and have had a great weekend
Today I have been reminiscing about times gone by, what I'd be up to on a Sunday back home when I was a kid in Great Wyrley. Also looking at how much has changed and how quickly it happens. Years ago when I was living at home with My Mom, Dad and My Brother Josh we would get up and sometimes go to a carboot sale and on the way stop off at McDonalds to get a 'Maccies Breakfast'. Then depending on the weather we would be out with friends and always have to be home for our Sunday dinner, back then me and Josh never use to like having a Sunday Dinner but 99% that's what we would have. Also, when I was a kid, on a Sunday afternoon for extra pocket money I would work on an ice cream van that use to go around the village and I would love every minute of it. This was something I would look forward to every single weekend. When it came to the evening, My Mom would be doing the ironing for hours in the kitchen, Dad watching TV and me and Josh knew at this point it was time to get our things ready for school on Monday morning, not a great feeling back then
I know I am going on but as I tell you this little story and sit here now thinking that this was 15 plus years ago I say this to you...Time is such a precious thing and life is such a precious gift so embrace it. I look back now and a Sunday roast is a MUST in our house when I'm home and I love it. I know some of you out there are having to prepare for work tomorrow but instead of thinking 'Oh God' change the mind set and think, 'right, lets do this'
So many people I know have come into this brand new year and have told themselves that they are making it 'THEIR' year, so I say make it 'YOURS' and embrace 'YOU'
Life, we only get one shot at it, no practise run so tomorrow when you do wake up and start a brand new week, make it yours
Just a few words I wanted to share with you this evening, wishing you all a great week ahead and I hope I get to see and hear from some of you
Lots of love, Craig Xcx
Today I have been reminiscing about times gone by, what I'd be up to on a Sunday back home when I was a kid in Great Wyrley. Also looking at how much has changed and how quickly it happens. Years ago when I was living at home with My Mom, Dad and My Brother Josh we would get up and sometimes go to a carboot sale and on the way stop off at McDonalds to get a 'Maccies Breakfast'. Then depending on the weather we would be out with friends and always have to be home for our Sunday dinner, back then me and Josh never use to like having a Sunday Dinner but 99% that's what we would have. Also, when I was a kid, on a Sunday afternoon for extra pocket money I would work on an ice cream van that use to go around the village and I would love every minute of it. This was something I would look forward to every single weekend. When it came to the evening, My Mom would be doing the ironing for hours in the kitchen, Dad watching TV and me and Josh knew at this point it was time to get our things ready for school on Monday morning, not a great feeling back then
I know I am going on but as I tell you this little story and sit here now thinking that this was 15 plus years ago I say this to you...Time is such a precious thing and life is such a precious gift so embrace it. I look back now and a Sunday roast is a MUST in our house when I'm home and I love it. I know some of you out there are having to prepare for work tomorrow but instead of thinking 'Oh God' change the mind set and think, 'right, lets do this'
So many people I know have come into this brand new year and have told themselves that they are making it 'THEIR' year, so I say make it 'YOURS' and embrace 'YOU'
Life, we only get one shot at it, no practise run so tomorrow when you do wake up and start a brand new week, make it yours
Just a few words I wanted to share with you this evening, wishing you all a great week ahead and I hope I get to see and hear from some of you
Lots of love, Craig Xcx

Well, here's to yet another new month, I can't believe that we are now in October. It really does seem like only yesterday that we had started 2019, and now we are nearly at the end of it. However, what a year it has been in many positive ways, but also some testing times. Life throws so many challenges at us at different times in our lives. Here is a thought, instead of looking at it and thinking "I can't do this anymore" how about taking the approach "Right, I've got through this before and worse, so BRING IT ON. I've got this"
Make this month your month, grab every opportunity you can and become a stronger and better you. A new month means a opening for new opportunities whatever they may be. It may be down to your health, wishing to loose weight, it may be a personal challenge such as becoming more positive, less time on social media, not worrying about what others think, not over thinking things. It can literally be anything, just remember that whatever it is, do it for you!
I always find that there are many things I wish to move forward and better myself in, so I create a check list, maybe you should do the same. Even on the days that may be difficult to get through, just remember to tell yourself those three important words..."I've got this"
Have a great month and whenever you're faced with a challenge, embrace it, acknowledge it and make it happen!
Happy October!
Craig Xcx
Make this month your month, grab every opportunity you can and become a stronger and better you. A new month means a opening for new opportunities whatever they may be. It may be down to your health, wishing to loose weight, it may be a personal challenge such as becoming more positive, less time on social media, not worrying about what others think, not over thinking things. It can literally be anything, just remember that whatever it is, do it for you!
I always find that there are many things I wish to move forward and better myself in, so I create a check list, maybe you should do the same. Even on the days that may be difficult to get through, just remember to tell yourself those three important words..."I've got this"
Have a great month and whenever you're faced with a challenge, embrace it, acknowledge it and make it happen!
Happy October!
Craig Xcx

Each and every day I meet people who ask and want to know if their loved ones who have crossed over are around them. The first thing I can say to you all is, you do not need a medium to tell you that your Mom, Dad, Nan, Grandad or anyone else is around you. Yes, its nice to go and see a medium to get the validation but by simply having them and keeping them in your thoughts keeps their memory alive and most of all the love you have for them.
They can show you in may different ways they are around, they could be a peace of music you hear on the radio a smell a sound and other signs can sometimes be right in front of us without us knowing. One sign that a lot of people relate to is the sighting of feathers around, but of course keep an eye of your surroundings because of course if there are birds flying over or nearby the likelihood it's them. However, when you're at home and you get the random feather at the top of the stairs, on the floor in the lounge or in the most random place then know that could also be a sign. Another sign I personally relate to is when I see a robin, and again I know this is something that a lot of people can relate to.
For you to really know, the simple thing to do is ask. Ask your loved ones in the spirit world to show you and let you know they are around in a way that you can acknowledge. Here's the important thing, when you do get the sign it's important that you do acknowledge it so as that your loved one knows you are aware of their presence
Just a little thought for today friends, keep smiling and just know that tomorrow is a brand new day and whatever challenges you have faced today, have set you up for tomorrow. Each day you get stronger and your loved ones in the spirit world are apart of that journey even from the other side
All my love
Xcx Craig Xcx
They can show you in may different ways they are around, they could be a peace of music you hear on the radio a smell a sound and other signs can sometimes be right in front of us without us knowing. One sign that a lot of people relate to is the sighting of feathers around, but of course keep an eye of your surroundings because of course if there are birds flying over or nearby the likelihood it's them. However, when you're at home and you get the random feather at the top of the stairs, on the floor in the lounge or in the most random place then know that could also be a sign. Another sign I personally relate to is when I see a robin, and again I know this is something that a lot of people can relate to.
For you to really know, the simple thing to do is ask. Ask your loved ones in the spirit world to show you and let you know they are around in a way that you can acknowledge. Here's the important thing, when you do get the sign it's important that you do acknowledge it so as that your loved one knows you are aware of their presence
Just a little thought for today friends, keep smiling and just know that tomorrow is a brand new day and whatever challenges you have faced today, have set you up for tomorrow. Each day you get stronger and your loved ones in the spirit world are apart of that journey even from the other side
All my love
Xcx Craig Xcx

Hello friends and welcome to my very first blog of 2019. I really do hope you've all had an amazing start to this brand new year. Every year I bet for a lot of people it's the same, new year with New Years resolutions...are you one of those people? If you are, do you keep to them?
Now, this isn't me telling you what you should and shouldn't do, I'm simply saying think about it. Don't be too harsh on yourself, which is what I think a lot of people are. We set ourselves targets and goals for the year ahead and maybe they don't happen the way we want them to. Have you asked yourself that maybe they haven't worked out the way you 'wanted' them to but they have worked out the way they 'should'
Sometimes in life things happen for a reason and we don't always know why. Here's the thing, you can only do your best and if you are doing your best then there is nothing better than that. As the post say's 'EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE' and with the right intentions they will happen. One thing I've learned over the years of doing this work is that as much as you want something and no matter how hard you work to make it happen, it will only happen when the time is right. Don't be disheartened when it doesn't happen straight away...look at it like this, the longer it takes the more you're learning along the journey and the more knowledge you're gaining
That is what life is about, life is a journey and what happens along the way is up to us to embrace. Just remember that some opportunities will only come round once so grasp them and make the most of them. Another thing a lot of people are guilty of is thinking too much what others think...if you think too much about what others think you will never move forward. Let people think what they want to think, as I've said before, the right people will be with you along the way and be there with you on your journey just as you will be there with them on theirs.
Know that your family, friends and loved ones from the spirit world are going to be watching over you as they always have and always will, guiding you from the other side and wanting to see you with a smile on your face. As I'm writing this a song has come on and it's a special song with a wonderful meaning from a special friend and I know he's nearby :)
Here is my wish to you all, that 2019 is the best it can be and that every dream becomes a reality. Go out on this journey of life and be you, be yourself, love yourself and most of all believe in yourself and show the world how strong you are. Sending you all my love and thoughts...see you on my journey and on the road this year
Take care, love Craig Xcx
Now, this isn't me telling you what you should and shouldn't do, I'm simply saying think about it. Don't be too harsh on yourself, which is what I think a lot of people are. We set ourselves targets and goals for the year ahead and maybe they don't happen the way we want them to. Have you asked yourself that maybe they haven't worked out the way you 'wanted' them to but they have worked out the way they 'should'
Sometimes in life things happen for a reason and we don't always know why. Here's the thing, you can only do your best and if you are doing your best then there is nothing better than that. As the post say's 'EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE' and with the right intentions they will happen. One thing I've learned over the years of doing this work is that as much as you want something and no matter how hard you work to make it happen, it will only happen when the time is right. Don't be disheartened when it doesn't happen straight away...look at it like this, the longer it takes the more you're learning along the journey and the more knowledge you're gaining
That is what life is about, life is a journey and what happens along the way is up to us to embrace. Just remember that some opportunities will only come round once so grasp them and make the most of them. Another thing a lot of people are guilty of is thinking too much what others think...if you think too much about what others think you will never move forward. Let people think what they want to think, as I've said before, the right people will be with you along the way and be there with you on your journey just as you will be there with them on theirs.
Know that your family, friends and loved ones from the spirit world are going to be watching over you as they always have and always will, guiding you from the other side and wanting to see you with a smile on your face. As I'm writing this a song has come on and it's a special song with a wonderful meaning from a special friend and I know he's nearby :)
Here is my wish to you all, that 2019 is the best it can be and that every dream becomes a reality. Go out on this journey of life and be you, be yourself, love yourself and most of all believe in yourself and show the world how strong you are. Sending you all my love and thoughts...see you on my journey and on the road this year
Take care, love Craig Xcx